Kirk franklin live vhs
Kirk franklin live vhs

kirk franklin live vhs

I Can Hear My Savior Calling (Where He Leads Me I Will Follow). Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer (a) Walk in Jerusalem, Just Like John (I Wanna Be Ready). Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams (c) The Battle Hymn of the Republic (Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory). We pray that our words will lift our own hearts and spur us to action, engage the disaffected, and enliven dry bones in broken communities to become shining lights of victory for this present generation and generations to come. Martin Luther King, Jr., his family, and those who labored in the vineyard with them. We celebrate, commemorate, and honor the life and works of Reverend Dr. May we dream dreams that have not been dreamt, conquer fears yet to be born, and build communities yet to be conceived. King, act with boldness but walk with humility, knowing that it is the power and grace of God that directs our path and provides all victories. May we not be afraid to seek the guidance of God, incline the ear of the Holy Spirit, and employ the assistance of the angelic host to overcome those negative forces that birth war and not peace. King's drum major leadership, understand that we are responsible for the stewardship of the earth and all that is within it and that God, one day, will require us to give an accounting. King's spirit infuse us with courage, discipline us with restraint, and equip us with hope. King and the sinless life of Christ empower us to reject violence in all forms in our families, homes, relationships, churches, schools, communities and on every battlefield. May we too learn to love with a perfect love, forgive with a healing spirit, and trust and follow the orders of God without falling prey to the spirit of double mindedness. Likewise, may we work to transform our lives and renew our minds, so that our faith will lead us through our desolate times to heights higher than the reach of spirits of despair, defeat, and unbelief. King's faith enabled him to overcome valley experiences while maintaining mountaintop hopes. King, put on the whole armor of God and stand against the unjust actions and unfair policies of oppressive governments join with our brothers and sisters to expose and reject all false teachings, regardless of their age or institutional cloak and create new visions for our people.ĭr. King's dream, plant it on the hearts and minds of our children, and live out its true meaning in our daily lives. King's personal sacrifice, and we recommit ourselves to his vision for a peaceful world founded on the powerful principles of love, nonviolence, and economic and social justice for the entire human family. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s greatness was anchored in his desire to serve, rooted in his obedience to his call, and guided by his strength to love. The DVD or VHS tape can be purchased online atĪlso see the additional recommendations at the end of this worship design (#13) before the Cites section.

kirk franklin live vhs

The American Experience: The Citizen King.

kirk franklin live vhs

Worship leaders can also use video clips in the worship service from the excellent PBS documentary on the last five years of Dr.

kirk franklin live vhs

King can be used on bulletin covers, in artwork, in sermons, or in prayers and litanies. Pierre Walker, Guest Lectionary Liturgist

Kirk franklin live vhs